alex's site


Hi! I'm Alex, and welcome to my newest website!
This site contains a blog (←) and a projects catalogue (→).

Everything here is slightly more formal than I'm used to being on the internet; if you'd like to see me type with less capitalization, check out my other links in my about page. I'm planning to use this site more for documenting what I do as it relates to programming; every blog post will be related to some sort of computer-y thing I've done and want to talk about. Once I get this site fully functional (almost there!), I also plan to write weekly posts about what computer things I've done over the week. Hopefully those end up being at least somewhat interesting.

This website is made up of Node.js CGI scripts. The CGI framework is a hodge-podge layer cake of code that started out as a throwaway project in 2021. It desperately needs a rewrite since the code is fully synchronous and filled with blocks and probably can't handle load well at all; if the site ever goes down, it might be that. The CGI scripts process and display the site's content (like the words you're reading right now!), which is written in a Markdown-like language I came up with and wrote a parser for. It would be pretty cool if it wasn't so hacky.

I'm not sure what else to write here, so that's your cue to go clicky-clicky and explore the site. Have fun!

alexVALID RSSAtom VALIDastrid dot techAlia.Scienceeris